Snake's real name is Dave and has an IQ of 180. He is a highly trained,elite soldier.He is a Former member of FOX-HOUND and an expert at infiltration. He can accomplish his mission under any circumstances, in any location.Snake is a clone of his father Big Boss,whom he killed during the Zanzibar Land Revolt.

Meryl is Roy Campbell's niece.Meryl is about 18 years old.She grow up with most of her family being in the military.Meryl became a solider so that she could understand her father,Matt Campbell,better.She has had exalent training as a solider,no real field experience.Has recieved psychotherapy not to be attracted to those of the opposite sex.

An employee of ArmsTech Inc. His real name is Hl Emmerich,the codename that he uses is Otacon.It stands for Otaku Convention.He is one of the creators of Metal Gear Rex.

Meling is supposedly a teenager.She designed the Codec communication system.She is also specialised in data and image processing of spy satellites.

The Medical chief of Fox Hound. She is in charge of gene theraphy and gene strengthening. Also in charge of the upgrading and maitenance of Fox Hound members.

Kenneth Baker,the Armstech president and the person responsible for the development of Metal Gear Rex. He wants to stay on the top of the weapon industry along with ARDEC(Army Research and Development Center)and because of that reason continouis the Metal Gear-project.

Jim Houseman is the Minister of the Department of Defense. Controles the entire operation from AWACS (Airborne Warning And Control System). A patriot who still believes in nuclear deterrence. Friend with the DARPA chief. Advocate of "Pax Atomica"-peace brought by the nuclear deterrence-and considers nuclear deterrence to be the fundamentals of Post-Cold War Strategies.

Little is known about this cyborg-ninja. He uses stealth and a japanese katana that can cut through steel and to deflect bullets.

Fox Hound's formal Survival instuctor. Contacts Snake by codec and gives information on survival and on battlefield strategies as well as hints.

Natasha is a military analist in her thirties. She always is smoking. She specializes in Hi-tech and nuclear weapons. In this mission she acts as NEST (Nuclear Energy Survey Team).

Ex-commander of Fox Hound. After the death of Big Boss, he had build a "new" Fox Hound with all sorts of hightech equipment.