Officaly there will be no radar in MGS3. Now you will have to rely on Sleath.
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Some new details on the eating system, and some other very interesting new details inside.. Two thirds of the gameplay area will be natural environments (jungle in the main), with the last third taking place in man-made areas (which we take to mean buildings)
There are online features in the game (we have no idea what these are besides scores, no doubt)
Rustling leaves and heavy footfalls will give you away to the enemy (not certain if this includes brushing up against shrubbery)
You have to hunt living things for food and you can track animal footprints. A nice touch is that it appears the carcass of your prey will rot after an hour of game time, so you can't store tons of fish and snakes in the earlier (and presumably easier) part of the game to get you through to the end
Further, Snake has an energy-type meter relating to his eating habits and munching just one kind of prey isn't on. The 'nutritional value' of a given food type continually decreases each it's eaten. So stick with snakes continually, and snake number 10 (or whatever) will have the 'nutritional value' of a fava bean
The import of all this eating business is that if snake doesn't get a balanced diet, as we see it, he starts to suffer deficiencies that lead to unwanted side-effects, such as an uncontrollable shake in his hands - not good for shooting
Vehicles are in there in some form and fashion and are used to track you
There is the possibility of breaking a leg when jumping from a high point. Is this game over, limp city, or miracle jungle cure? We don't know...
Unlockable features and weapons will be in there
The game's whole interface has gone back to basics, with no in-game radar The food aspect of the game is potentially the most interesting addition to the MGS series that we've come across so far and having no radar is a good decision in our book.
There may be a map view like in the planet chapter where you could see the whole Big Shell. But the map isn't offical.
There is a chance that there will be no Codec in MGS3. If the game is a pequel Mei Ling wasn't born yet so she wouldn't have developed the Soliton Radar or the Codec. You'll probably just for some a kind of radio. Click here to see a pic where you can see some type of radio piece in his ear.